Now that you have your telematic profiles set up and devices mapped, it’s time to view the alerts.
1. Select Telematics / Proximity Connections from the main menu, and then Telematics / Proximity Alerts.

2. On the Telematics / Proximity Alerts page, use the FILTER BY drop-downs to customize the display. After setting up the filters, click on the Status tab.
- Status – ALL, Acceptable, Unacceptable
- Account Code – ALL Account Codes or select an Account Code
When first navigating to this page, the user’s default Account Code will be displayed here. - Cust ID – ALL Cust IDs or select a Cust ID
When first navigating to this page, the user’s default Cust ID will be displayed here. - Reason Code – ALL or select a specific Reason Code

3. The Alerts are returned based on your filter selections.

If you deem a transaction suspicious on the card, click Block Card, then click Yes to stop further transactions. Once blocked, you’ll see a line through the Card’s last 4 Digits along with a Card Blocked message.